One of our most popular parts replacement services subs out the OEM ring extractor in the Remington 700 platform with a stronger, sturdier AR-15 extractor. The AR-15 extractor is less likely to lose the brass during extraction, which is especially crucial during a hunt. Side by side, you can really see the difference!
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This Webley Mk VI top-break revolver came to the Service Shop for a caliber confirmation and function check. We initially thought it was a .455 Webley -- which was the original factory caliber -- but this one's since been converted to .45 ACP. It functions fine and test fired successfully, so woo hoo!
A little history: Webley introduced the Mk VI in 1915 during WWI. The revolver proved a hardy weapon well-suited to the tough conditions of trench warfare. Accessories made for the revolver include a bayonet, speedloader, and a stock turning it into a carbine. Ultimately, Webley ended production of the Mk IV in 1923.
Fun fact: J.R.R. Tolkien, he of Lord of the Rings fame, carried this revolver in WWI. Thanks to Landis for the info! 😊
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The Winchester 21's lower plate is triiiiicky to reassemble, so it helps to have 52 years of gunsmithing experience!
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We treated a customer's Winchester 70 to a masterful checkering job from Evan Koch. He based the pattern on the standard pre-64 version of the model 70. Apparently, laminate stocks are a bit of a booger bear compared to classic wood stocks (all the dust!), so we thank Evan for doing all the dirty work! 🙌
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Remember that Remington Rolling Block used by John Wayne in the movie The Alamo? It came to us after falling off a display table and suffering damage to the forend. The owner collected all the pieces he could find and rushed it to our wood emergency room.
After our smith meticulously fit back the original pieces and secured any cracks from further expanding, the rifle's now back home safe and sound. It's not perfect, but it doesn't need to be. It's called character, right? 😉
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The guys took this beat up Enfield 1917 -- in the non-original caliber of .30-06 Ackley Improved -- and breathed new life into it!
Sterling polished off all the original metal finish and gave it a gorgeous reblue. He also polished the bolt handle, for a contrasting look. Woodsmith extraordinaire Ronnie sanded off the original finish and gave the stock a hand-rubbed oil finish. Finally, Chris installed a decelerator, a new set of swivels, and gave the rifle a final test fire. 💥
**The rifle's original caliber was .30-06 Springfield. While the chamber was lengthened to accommodate the Ackley load, the rifle can still shoot .30-06 Springfield loads!
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Our recent customer decided to turn his Marlin 94 25-20 Win & Stevens Ranger 20 gauge into a pair of short shootin' son-of-a-guns!
The first project was a Stevens Ranger 20 gauge with fresh ATF approval for NFA Short Barreled Shotgun status. The gunsmiths cut the barrels down to nearly match the length of the forend. They then shortened/shaped the stock it into a pistol grip. They fabricated a new stock bolt and washer, retapped the receiver hole for the new bolt, and also turned down the firing pin shoulders. Final steps included repairing the safety, refinishing the wood, and performing a function check. Whew!
For the Marlin 94, the barrel was first cut & crowned to 16". The magazine tube (and corresponding spring) was also c...
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The client brought his vintage Winchester 1890 .22 WRF to us for a top to bottom restoration. We first cleaned and lubed the 1890 to remove years of gummy residue and oil build-up. The smiths determined the chamber was peened from too much dry-firing. This is a **very** common problem with older .22s, but thankfully most modern designs stop the firing pin from hitting the chamber when dry fired. We ended up installing a new chamber liner, ensuring the rifle would once again fire reliably.
Once the smiths resolved the mechanical issues, our restoration guys reblued the metal and refinished the stock/forend. Now, it's back to firing condition and lookin' mighty fine!
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This Winchester 70 .280 Remington rifle came to the shop for a bed & float and had problems with a binding floorplate. We bed and float rifles to stabilize the action in the stock, with the added benefit of improved accuracy. After the bed & float, the gunsmiths resolved the floorplate’s binding issues and now it smoothly swivels open!
**A .280 Rem tidbit — The .280 Remington is based on the .30-06, but is necked down to accept 7mm bullets. It never saw widespread popularity due to being overshadowed by the more powerful .30-06. It was further eclipsed by the wildcat caliber, .280 Ackley Improved. Poor li’l .280 Rem!
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This Smith & Wesson 19-9 PC revolver in 357 mag came to the Service Shop to get the hammer bobbed. The gunsmiths bob a hammer by grinding down the hammer and smoothing any jagged edges. Shooters who prefer bobbed hammers want to eliminate the hammer from catching on something when drawing the revolver from a concealed position. Chris then polished the internal lock work to ease the overall function of the revolver. Now it’s ready for daily concealed carry!
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This Eddystone 1917 rifle arrived at the Service Shop in need of a safety & headspace check as well as a caliber determination. Traditionally, the 1917s were chambered for .30-06, but you never know when a prior owner has re-barreled the rifle. We determined this rifle was manufactured in June 1918 (five months before the end of WWI), making this piece a certified centenarian!
Chris performed the initial headspace check and determined the rifle safe to shoot. He then honed/polished the chamber and cleaned & lubed the rifle to remove years of rust, gummy oils, and build up. To confirm the caliber, he performed a chamber cast. Our hunch was right — it’s a .30-06! After a final test fire, this shooter is back in business.
“On 30 A...
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Sterling took to the polishing wheel to transform the stainless finish on this Colt 1911 Government 45 ACP into a perfect mirror finish! My pictures hardly do it justice. Simply gorgeous!
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This Colt 1903 380 ACP came to us for a complete restore. It was in pretty rough and rusty shape, which makes the final product that much better.
- Sterling prepped the metal and removed what was left of the original bluing. On the polishing wheel, he removed all imperfections, pitting, scratches, etc.- The barrel crown came in damaged, so the gunsmiths recrowned it.- Because the metal arrived in such poor condition, Sterling couldn't save the original Rampant Colt engraving. We had our engraver recreate the engraving on the slide and it looks AWESOME.- The bore needed lots of lapping due to decades of copper fouling build up.- Finally, the guys fit a new set of grips to the pistol and gave it a final test fire! 💥
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Here's a cool one! We had this Springfield M6 Scout 22 LR / 410 gauge break-open combo gun in here for extraction issues. Chris did a quick clean, a hone & polish, and a successful test fire. The lil peashooter is now back in business!
The original M6 Scout -- initially manufactured by the Ithaca Gun Company -- was issued to the US Air Force aircrews to help forage for food in the event of a plane crash. One of the unique traits of the M6 is the "squeeze-bar trigger". That part, including the hammer and barrel latch, are all designed to be easily operated while wearing heavy gloves or mittens.
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Even though dove season has yet to commence, some folks are already gearing up for deer season! 🦌
This Ruger M77 in .25-06 was in here for a top to bottom restoration. The guys stripped the original finish from the stock and gave it a hand-rubbed oil finish (the checkering is in perfect condition!). They bed and floated the barreled action into the stock to reduce any movement interfering in accuracy. The stripped stud holes were re-drilled and new studs were installed.
Before the metalwork got underway, the rifle was thoroughly cleaned & lubed. The barreled action was stripped to white metal and reblued by Sterling. The aluminum trigger guard and floorplate -- which cannot handle the heat of the bluing tanks -- were instead Cerako...
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A customer brought a pair of JC Higgins plinkers to us -- a model 29 and 41 -- for top to bottom restorations. These were guns he shot as a kid, and he wants to pass them down to the next generation. We love doing these types of meaningful projects! 🥲
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This Browning BSS 12 gauge side by side came into the shop with a pretty serious issue. The action had been forced open apparently due to part broken in the receiver and the lower receiver plate was bent out of shape. Chris reformed it back into position and lapped the two screws so they would fit flush into the plate. Final work included hone & polishing the chambers, a full clean & lube, and removing minor rust. Another one avoids the junk pile! 🙌
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This small-frame Second Model Colt Lightning in 22 LR -- dated to 1903 -- was brought to our shop by a long-time Colt collector. This is merely one of the ten Lightning models he owns. 😮 He also dropped off an extra barrel that needed some serious work.
The smiths managed to salvage the octagon barrel already installed in the rifle. It needed a good lapping, as well as a hone & polish. The rifle required some additional mechanical work to make it functional once again. As for the extra barrel... yikes. It came to us with the chamber and barrel totally shot out. Once the smith rechambered it and re-lined the barrel, it was as good as new!
A LITTLE HISTORY: The Lightning was the first ever rimfire rifle Colt made from 1887-1904. In a...
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The gunsmiths just finished restoring this gooooooooorrrrrrrgeous 1973 Browning Superposed 20 gauge. The wood: stunning. The metal: stunning. Bravo to our guys for absolutely knocking this project out of the park! 😍
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These Kimber pistols -- a Custom Stainless II in 45 ACP and a Camp Guard 10 in 10mm -- were each in the shop for a clean & lube and a trigger job. After our smith gave them a good scrub-a-dub-dub, he passed them to Ron for the trigger work.
When Ron performs a trigger job, he first examines the hammer & sear to ensure they have the correct dimensions in the engagement areas. If the two aren't in spec, they get replaced. Once that's determined, he stones the sear and hammer to square their engagement angles. The final step includes tweaking the pistol to get it to the final poundage. Ron lowered the pulls on these pistols from an initial 7-8 lbs down to a crisp 4.5 lb!
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This Classic Doubles 201 Field 20 gauge side by side already sold to a customer in Michigan, but I wanted to share the history of it anyway!
As Ron tells it, when the Winchester Olin company got out of the shotgun business, (I believe they eventually sold most of their IP to Browning) a handful of the former Winchester execs decided to form their own company, Classic Doubles. They wanted to create a gun that both resembled a Winchester Model 21 with the improved features of a Winchester Model 23. The same plant in Japan that manufactured shotguns for Winchester continued making them for the Classic Doubles company. They were high-quality, well-made shotguns that cost a pretty penny back in the day. Unfortunately, consumers weren't willi...
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One of the simplest upgrades for a rifle is removing the creepy factory trigger and replacing it with an adjustable one from Timney Triggers. When I say creepy, I mean a trigger that feels coarse, gritty, jumpy -- basically anything the opposite of smooth and crisp. Creep filled triggers can also interfere with your shot and cause you to miss your target.
This Remington 700 22-250 came to the shop for a clean & lube. While he was in the gun, the customer also had Chris install a new Timney into the rifle. Now, it's set at a crisp 3.5 lbs and smooth as buttah. 🎯
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This Browning Citori 12 gauge shotgun came to us with a broken screw in the forend iron and the top lever was grinding. It also needed an overall tune up to get it back in tip-top shape!Chris started by extracting the broken forend screw and replacing it with a new one. He then stoned the locking lugs and locking block to eliminate galling, cleaned & lubed all the internals and externals, and honed & polished the chambers. To increase the life of the firing pins, he machined and polished the noses. To insure a strong strike, he replaced both mainsprings. Finally, he replaced the top lever spring and stoned both the sear tails and inertia block steps. A final test fire and function check proved this Citori was back in business!
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We hooked this Remington 870 up with a new set of Trijicon Ghost Sights to make this home defense shooter a hair more accurate. Chris drilled & tapped the receiver for the rear sight installation. He then prepped the metal near the muzzle and installed the front sight. While he was working on the gun, he found the mag spring had collapsed and replaced it with a fresh one. The mag tube also needed a quick hone and polish. Intruders beware!
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Got a fun one for y'all! This Remington 740 Woodsmaster in 300 Savage came to the shop for both a function check and a drill/tap to mount a scope on the action. We performed the function check but -- and this is a rare occurance -- Ron talked the customer out of the drill and tap. Why? Because this 740 is such a rare bird, especially when chambered in 300 Savage. Ron says tapping the receiver would spoil the value, both to collectors and as a piece of gun history.
🔸 Overall, the rifle's in great shape for its age.🔸 It has a low four digit serial number, making it a possible first year of production piece.🔸 300 Savage is a relatively unique caliber for a semi-auto platform.🔸 That little hole you see in the receiver shows the ejector reta...
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