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The Rutledge family has proudly owned McClelland Gun Shop for more than five decades. These photos of the original one-room shop show Ron on the left, Bob in the middle, and Sue on the right.

It all began in 1972 when my father, Bob, purchased the gun shop from the McClelland family after careers as a Marine and an engineer. In those days, it was a one-room store near a quiet neighborhood in east Dallas. I joined the business after high school and was shortly joined by my sister, Sue. Today we occupy four buildings in the same shopping center where it all began. 

Over the years, many customers have grown into friends we know on a first name basis. We're grateful for these relationships, which are rooted in our commitment to a level of expertise and service you won't experience anywhere else. 

We encourage you to stop by whenever you're in the neighborhood. If you do, you'll likely meet the third generation, who are deeply committed to growing this business even bigger and better.

Happy hunting,


P.S. - If you're curious about the face featured in our logo (seen above), the craggy mug isn't just any old man. It's Bob's likeness drawn before he passed away in 1995. Chris, the artist, captured the "viejo" as we all knew him - with a hat permanently cocked to the side and the "I'd rather be fishing" look on his face.